Policy recommendations

The Policy Recommendations are summarized as follows:

  1. 70-Page Policy Review Document:
    Includes 7 country-specific policy reports and 1 European report on promoting micro-enterprise agri-food companies. It uses SWOT analysis and data from official sources to review and comment on policies.
  2. 70-Page Policy Recommendations Document:
    Contains 21 recommendations in 7 thematic areas, such as promoting women’s leadership in agri-food microbusinesses, sustainable food literacy, ethical labeling, transparency, local food production, and excellence in micro-businesses. It includes feedback from 210 farmers on the feasibility and benefits of these policies, ensuring a co-participatory approach.

An action plan will coordinate all activities, including workshops, visits to micro-businesses, and research involving 70 questionnaires from farmers. Statistical and qualitative data will be analyzed and documented, including visual aids. All results will be translated into native languages and promoted through newsletters, web articles, and social media to reach 80,000 subscribers.